Show Rules

1. All exhibits for competition to be grown by exhibitors in their own garden or allotment, except Floral Art and Children’s Sections.

2. Exhibitors must not show more than the number or quantity under each heading.

3. Only one exhibit per class from one exhibitor.

4. Exhibitor must complete entry form and return to Show Secretary by the dates shown.  Entries for Children’s 

classes on plain paper please or phone the Show Secretary on 01843 846963 with your list of entries.

5. No entries will be accepted on the day.

6. Exhibits must be staged in the show tent from 8.00 am for the Spring show and 7.30 am for the 
Summer and Autumn shows to 9.45 am. Judging will commence at 10.00 am.  Vases provided.

7. Exhibitors will be responsible for placing labels on their exhibits.  This must be done so that only code numbers can be seen.

8. No trade bottles or jars to be used in the domestic section.

9. No exhibits to be removed before presentation of awards at 4.00 pm.   Any exhibit remaining after 5.00 pm will be auctioned.

10. All cups and trophies will be perpetual challenge and cannot be won outright. Please return cups and trophies to the Show Secretary
or Assistant Show Secretary only.

11. Daffodil classes will be judged to Daffodil Society rules.

13. Dahlia classes will be judged to NDS standards.

14. The Judges’ decisions will be final.

15All cup winners to sign and be responsible for cups and trophies for the year. 
Please return cups/trophies to the Show Secretary or Assistant Show Secretary only.

16. Entries in Handicraft, Art and Photography classes must not have been previously shown at this 
Society’s shows.

17. Pot plants must be owned for 3 months before the show.

18. Exhibits may only be moved by a Committee member.

19. Exhibits may be staged on a Friday evening by arrangement with the Show Secretary.

20. Exhibitors to pay a fee of £1 for unlimited entries.  Entitles exhibitor to entry to the show in the afternoon.

21. No vehicles to be parked in farm driveway.

The committee will not be responsible for any loss or damage to any exhibit

Mrs T Ling (Show Secretary)

1st – 5 points       2nd – 3 points   3rd – 1 point

 Husband and Wife with most points in the three shows

to be won for Lady, Gent and Child Members overall from the three shows. 
The more classes you enter the more points collected.

©Copyright to Acol Horticultural Society 2017
All content is the intellectual property of AHS. All show schedules are the property of AHS.